Pay Campos
Is an open, direct, transparent, obsessive, left-handed, mother of three and coach of many.
She is in love with life, the power of choice and exercise.
She is also an opportunity seeker and disruptive thinker with more than 30 years of experience working with people of different ages, nationalities and occupations to help them improve their lives, achieve their dreams and find HAPPINESS in the tiny and big moments of their life.
Opportunity seeker and disruptive thinker
- Volunteer at Doctor Payaso AC as Dra. Corazones.
- Master Coach and Facilitator Certified by Quidam Global (Estados Unidos/México).
- Rasmussen Consulting (Denmark).
- Actitud Creativa (Spain).
- Heal Your Life (United States).
- Scrum Master, Remote Work Certified Trainer.
- Inquiry Coach with “The Work” by Byron Katie.
- Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences and Master's Degree in Education from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
We are a talented group of facilitators and coaches with training in different methodologies and specialties. Our aim is to contribute to generate significant and productive changes in people and organizations whom we collaborate with.

The Human Element
Methodology to generate high performance teams and maximize human potential. Present in 40 countries and 15 languages. Increases the level of consciousness and self-knowledge. Deep analysis of how the individual has an impact on the group.

A coaching process through which work practices are established to increase the capacity for action. The process has as a central element the dialogue between coach and coachee that allows generating permanent and evolutionary changes.

Playful Coaching is an innovative method to manage positive changes in organizations. When the members interact in the game, the same phenomenon appears that exists in daily operation.

Real-time strategy methodology to analyze and solve problems. Scenario simulator. Experiential, emotional, fun and creative learning process. Tool to create new ways of thinking. 3D graphic language. Way to identify knowledge, talent, attitudes and individual skills.

It is a radical learning process based on the principles of entrepreneurship and disruptive innovation (Design Thinking). Lombard is structured in 4 phases and includes mechanisms for key mentors, speaker sessions and workshops during its development. It helps generating the attitudes that lead to innovation, postpone the judgement, see the error as part of the […]

Louise L. Hay’s philosophy to raise awareness about the negative beliefs that limit us and transform them through daily affirmations and practices to change our lives, by changing our thoughts. Based on self-acceptance, self-love and self-esteem. Meditation, Mirror Work, Visualization, Affirmations, Daily practices.

The advanced Creative Problem Solving process consists on three phases, and nine main activities. It is a model that sheds light on the interaction between the individual, the team and the organization, in addition to harnessing the full potential of our unconscious. ACPS is a new way of understanding problem solving through creativity.

Designed to think outside the box. Based on an escape room-physical and mental adventure game- the workshop consists of challenging simultaneous groups where they must solve enigmas and disruptive challenges of different types to advance on the route and reach the objective before time ends.

I design personalized workshops and conferences such as: Happiness, Humanization, Leadership, Teamwork, Listening & Communication, Attitude vs Aptitude, Add Subtract Divide or Multiply, Positive Psychology, Generational Differences, From Chaos to Utopia, Generational Diversity: from the Silent Generation to the Zeta, Accountability among others.
Are you interested in one of my workshops?
Believe it to achieve it!
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- In case you require a custom workshop, send me the details.